Impact of Climate Change on Crop-Pathogen Interaction: A Review


  • S. S. Sreenivas Author


Climate change, temperature, water, CO2, host response, pests and diseases


 Crop response to climatic variation is critical criterion not only in yield and productivity but also, its 
interaction with pathogens. Disease triangle happens under a favourable weather, virulent pathogen and a 
susceptible host. Climate change influences both host plant and pathogens leading to altered interaction and 
disease cycle. Carbon dioxide is a major contributor in the green house gas phenomenon. The consequent 
influence of GHG effect on temperature due to warming and erratic seasonal weather has an impact on both 
plant and pathogen development. Physiological changes in plants impact pathogenicity and disease development. 
Altered crop physiology under climate change is more susceptible to biotic stress. Hence, it is essential to 
understand impact of climate change on host plants to know the disease dynamics.  


